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We will be closed Friday March 29 from 12pm and Monday April 1, 2024.

4 Common Mistakes That Can Damage Your Credit Scoring

4 Erreurs Courantes qui Peuvent Détériorer Votre Crédit Scoring

Credit scoring is a crucial element in everyone’s financial life. It relies on a credit scoring algorithm that assesses individuals’ creditworthiness based on various credit scoring criteria. However, it’s essential to understand that some common mistakes can have a negative impact on your credit scoring, potentially leading to unpleasant financial consequences, such as higher interest rates.

Money 911 stands out as the best option for online credits in Canada, providing lease credit guarantees, secure online transfers, and a particular focus on preserving your credit scoring.

1. Ignoring Credit Scoring Criteria

One of the most common mistakes is not taking into account the credit scoring criteria. Credit scoring is a complex process that relies on a specific credit scoring algorithm used by each financial institution. This algorithm considers various factors, such as payment history, debt level, credit length, the variety of credit types held, and other elements.

Neglecting to understand these credit scoring criteria can put your credit approval and scoring at risk, which directly impacts your credit score. Ignoring the intricacies of credit scoring can lead to less informed financial decisions and less favorable interest rates.

In conclusion, credit scoring is a complex process that takes into account numerous factors. Ignoring these criteria can have a negative impact on your credit approval and scoring, resulting in a less favorable credit score. To ensure better financial management and secure advantageous interest rates, it is imperative to understand and adhere to credit scoring criteria.

2. Delaying or Skipping Payments

Delaying or Skipping Payments

One of the most damaging errors for your credit scoring is delaying payments or skipping them altogether. Credit scoring heavily relies on payment history, making it one of the most significant factors in the credit scoring algorithm.

Accumulating payment delays can not only lead to financial penalties but can also have a long-lasting impact on your credit score. Each late payment is recorded in your credit history, signaling to potential creditors that you struggle to meet your financial obligations.

To avoid this situation, it is crucial to make timely payments and set up reminders or automatic payments to ensure you never miss a due date. Responsible payment management is an essential way to maintain a good credit scoring.

3. Excessive Credit Utilization

Excessively using your credit can significantly deteriorate your credit scoring, a vital concept for assessing your financial solvency. The ratio between the total credit amount you use and your total credit limit is known as the credit utilization rate.

The higher this rate, the more negatively your credit scoring can be affected, as it may indicate to credit agencies that you rely too much on credit for your financial needs. A credit utilization rate exceeding 30% can signal an increased risk to lenders, which can have repercussions on your credit scoring.

To maintain a good credit scoring, it is recommended to manage your credit utilization judiciously by keeping this rate below 30%. This can not only improve your credit scoring but also increase your chances of securing more favorable interest rates when applying for credit in the future.

It is essential to keep in mind that your credit utilization directly impacts your credit scoring, and excessive usage can make it harder to access loans at competitive interest rates, which can have a ripple effect on your overall financial health.

4. Requesting Too Much Credit in a Short Time

Requesting Too Much Credit in a Short Time

Faire plusieurs demandes de crédit en peu de temps peut être interprété comme un signe de détresse financière par les agences de crédit, ce qui peut entraîner une baisse significative de votre crédit scoring. En effet, chaque demande de crédit génère une enquête sur votre rapport de crédit, et ces enquêtes multiples peuvent être perçues comme une tentative de recours accru au crédit, ce qui suscite des inquiétudes. 

Une diminution de votre crédit scoring peut avoir des répercussions négatives sur votre capacité à obtenir des prêts futurs à des taux d’intérêt avantageux. Afin de préserver votre crédit scoring, il est essentiel de faire preuve de prudence lors de la demande de crédit. 

Assurez-vous de ne faire des demandes de crédit que lorsque cela est vraiment nécessaire et que vous avez exploré d’autres options. En planifiant judicieusement vos demandes de crédit et en évitant de les multiplier inutilement, vous pouvez contribuer à maintenir un crédit scoring sain, ce qui vous permettra d’accéder à des produits financiers avantageux à l’avenir.


Votre crédit scoring joue un rôle essentiel dans votre vie financière, influençant votre capacité à obtenir des prêts à des taux d’intérêt favorables. Éviter ces quatre erreurs courantes liées au crédit scoring est crucial pour maintenir un bon score de crédit. En suivant les critères de scoring de crédit, en respectant les délais de paiement, en gérant judicieusement votre utilisation de crédit et en limitant le nombre de demandes de crédit.

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